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東京工芸大学を中退後、スウェーデンに遊学し、独学で写真を撮り始める。帰国後、映画美学校初等科、高等科、研究科に通い高橋洋、青山真治、瀬々敬久など数多くの映画監督に師事。その後東京でフリーランスとして、様々な自主映画のカメラ・照明・美術スタッフ、映像ワークショップの主催、伝統工芸の紙加工職人の弟子、NPOのアートディレクター、浅葉克己氏の鞄持ち、下町のシェアハウスの立ち上げや運営などを、プッチーニの『ラ・ボエーム』みたいな生活をしながら点々とした後、環境系映像会社GreenTV に拾われクリエイティブディレクターとして働く。

2010年サラリーマンが性に合わず半年もたたずに会社を辞める。Twitterでクリエイティブ・ディレクターのトム・ヴィンセントに出会い、彼の誘いに従い突如として徳島県神山町に旅立つ。懐が乏しかったため、親に結婚しないから頂戴と、両親が貯めてくれていた結婚資金を貰い受け、Canonの5D Mark2などの機材を買っての旅。だが映像から長らく離れていたため、どこまでも下手くそであった。




2023年2月 個人屋号であった「長岡活動寫眞」を、合同会社「長岡活動写真館」にアップデートさせ、代表社員に就任。神山町にてオフィスにしている旧製茶工場を映画館にするプロジェクトも2024年内を目標にスタート。


1998年 東京工芸大学写真学科、中退

1999年~2002年 映画美学校初等科・高等科・研究科、卒業。

2006年 デジタルハリウッドCG東京本校、卒業。

2022年 映画美学校ことばの学校 初等科、卒業。


2006/10 映像プロジェクト"miruプロジェクト"を立ち上げ、友人200人から"大事な1分間"の映像を集める。

2007/3 東京 自由が丘S weets forestにてイベント"Zogakusai"を主催。

2008/4 東京 渋谷 LE DECOにてRhythm Summitに招待参加2009/11 東京墨田区の依頼で、下町の老人たち15人を取材した『ムカシバナシ』を制作、上映会を開催。

2010/10 徳島県神山町に移住。美容師の老婆のドキュメンタリーを制作(2017年に『神山アローン』として完成) 

2011/5 震災後の女川、石巻、小豆島を取材した 『Real Japan』に撮影、演出で参加。

2011/6 香川県女木島の祭を取材、短編ドキュメンタリー『鬼ヶ島の祭』を制作。

2012/6 ドキュメンタリー映画『産土』の制作開始。11月まで撮影。

2013/2 徳島県神山町にて『産土』初上映。

2013/5 ドキュメンタリー映画『産土-壊-の制作開始。12月まで撮影。

2013/6 東京スパイラルホールにて『産土』上映。2013/8 カナダブリティッシュコロンビア州、クロフォードベイにて招待上映。

2013/9 イギリスデボン州、ダーティントン「Exploring Our World Film Festival 2013」にて『産土』招待上映。

2013/9 ニュージーランド"Queenstown Film Society Short Film Night 2013"にて『Uketamau』が上映。

2013/12 山梨県南巨摩郡・早川町町民会館にて『産土』上映。

2013/12 徳島県海陽町城満寺にて落成イベントとして『産土』上映。

2014/1 愛知県豊田市 豊田市美術館にて『産土』上映。2014/3 愛知県豊田市たきみ山清通寺にて『産土』上映。2014/4 愛媛県大洲市の依頼で12月までの9ヶ月間に渡り『大洲音頭Movie』を制作。

2014/8 東京 明治神宮にてシンポジウム”いまを知るということ”を主催。『産土-壊-』を上映。

2014/9 山梨県南アルプス市穂見神社にて『産土』上映。

2015/1 愛知県豊田市からの依頼で産土の続編を制作、『産土−節−』として完成。

2015/8 スウェーデン人舞踏家フラウケの神山での滞在を記録した『Frauke』製作。

2016/2 徳島県佐那河内村からの依頼で移住促進映像『或る移住』を製作。長岡の両親の移住を描く。

2016/3 スウェーデン人舞踏家フラウケの神山での滞在とその後を記録した『Frauke2 幻想か宿命か』製作。


2017/9 スウェーデンのベイルマン・エステートに招待され、フラウケとともにエクスペリメンタル映画『Fortuna』を製作。

2019/5 代官山のライブハウス晴れたら空に豆まいてにて、NOBO+野本晴美の生演奏と共に『神山アローン』を上映。また浪曲師玉川奈々福さんとのコラボ企画にて『あわうた』を上映。

2021年10-2022年3月 東京都豊島区のとしま未来文化財団からの依頼で、コロナ禍にて中止を余儀なくされた豊島区の伝統芸能の記録を撮影し、ドキュメンタリー映画『音、鳴りやまぬ』として完成させる。

2022/10 池袋シネマ・ロサにて二日間に渡り、『音、鳴りやまぬ。』を上映。富山大学教授島添貴美子さんとの対談も行う。


2011/6 日産ギャラリー用映像制作

2012/10 マスキングテープ mt 四国ツアー   WEB CM 制作

2012/8 洋服ブランド/Sa-Rah CM  “ Retrospective “ 制作

2012/12 平家祖谷伝説”もう一つの平家物語 "制作

2013/2 マスキングテープ  mt CASA  PR映像制作

2013/7 神山 えんがわオフィス  PR映像 制作

2013/8 民主党用WEB映像  "Local Line" 制作

2014/4 洋服ブランド/Sa-Rah CM 制作

2014/4 ピアニスト野本晴美、  PR映像制作

2014/9 雑誌:四国GAJA タイアップ映像制作

2014/10 徳島県工務店ホマレノイエ映像制作

2014/12 イラストレーター松尾たいこ  PR映像制作

2015/1 阿南、室戸、安芸PR AMA映像制作

2015/2 中外製薬WEB CM 「母として、妻として」制作

2015/6 徳島県県庁 LED  VALLEY 映像制作

2016/3 関西広域連合からの依頼で兵庫県神戸の翁舞、和歌山県新宮の御船祭、徳島県那賀町の三番叟のドキュメンタリーを製作。

2016/12 和歌山県湯浅町からの依頼で、『The Birthplace of Soy Sauce』を製作。ナショナルジオグラフィックの公式ウェブに掲載され、『A 750 yea old secret』のタイトルで、 RedditにてTOP20の話題記事となり、世界中の人々から視聴される(現在232万回再生)。

2017/3 徳島県佐那河内村からの依頼で村のPR映像『つづくむら さなごうち』を製作。CIやコンセプトも担当。

2017/6 スウェーデンの代理店House of Radonからの依頼で、世界最古の家電メーカーElectroluxの国際ブランド映像『Shape living for the better』の日本編を担当。


2018ー2019年 POJ STUDIOからの依頼で、京都ー滋賀の伝統工芸の後継たちを取材した一連の作品を制作。(京都宇治の朝日焼滋賀の桶職人|京都開化堂|金網辻)

2019/1 インドネシア人カリグラファー、ヴェロニカ・ハリムの京都での滞在をスケッチ的に撮った短編『An Ode to Zazen, Calligraphy, and Tea』を制作。

2021年花王の社内/社外向け映像、『One Kao』を制作。


2017/10 Yahoo Japanにて映像コラム開始。

2018/2 初のフィクション映画を製作開始。

2019/3 長編フィクション映画『あわうた』が完成。第4回徳島国際映画祭にて上映。

2021−2022 Yahoo Japan Creator’s Programの依頼で、3分間のドキュメンタリーの製作を普及させるためのアドバイザーに就任。1年半で6人を指導。


2012/3 『鬼ヶ島の祭』が、ロシア、トヴェリMETERSにて審査員特別賞受賞。

2017/10 『神山アローン』が札幌国際短編映画祭にて最優秀ドキュメンタリー賞を受賞。また同年のフィルムメーカー部門に選出される。

2018/3 『神山アローン』が第1回小布施短編映画祭にて一般審査員賞を受賞。

2021/2  Yahoo DOCUMENTARY Filmmaker of the Year Award Micro docs特別賞受賞。

2021/3 『あわうた』が4K・VR徳島映画祭2021にて映像賞受賞。

2021年 徳島の企業家たちの支援を受け、初めてのフィクション映画作品『あわうた』を制作し2年がかりで完成。同作は多くの映画祭でオフィシャル・セレクションに選ばれ、2020年のロンドン・インディペンデント・フィルム映画祭にて最優秀長編映画賞、2022年ポルトガル・ポルト国際映画祭にてBest Director賞と審査員特別賞をダブル受賞。

Mile Nagaoka

Representative Partner: Nagakatz Studio
Executive Director: Evolution Co., Inc.
Filmmaker. Film Director
Born in Yotsukaido, Chiba, 1979. Currently living in Sanagochi Village, Tokushima.
Based in both Tokushima and Tokyo, travelling the country making mainly documentary film works.
Father of two children. And four cats.
Recently into writing notes with a fountain pen, scrapbooking, and collecting stamps.

After quitting Tokyo Polytechnic University, went on a study abroad to Sweden, and began a self-taught approach to taking photographs. Upon returning to Japan, completed the Elementary Course, Advanced Course, and Graduate Course at Film School of Tokyo, learning from many great film directors, including Hiroshi Takahashi, Shinji Aoyama, and Takahisa Zeze. After graduation, began a freelance career in Tokyo, helping with numerous indie films with camera, lighting, and art, hosting video workshops, working as an apprentice to a traditional paper craftsman, art director of an NPO, personal assistant to Katsumi Asaba, founder and operator of a shared residence, skipping around, living a life not unlike Puccini’s “La Bohème” when he was picked up to be creative director of GreenTV, a video company with an environmental slant.

Nagaoka quit that position in 2010 after just half a year of an ill-fitting salaryman life. He met creative director Tom Vincent via Twitter, and following his invitation, suddenly set of for the town of Kamiyama in Tokushima Prefecture. He was short on funds and told his parents he wouldn’t get married and asked them for the money they had saved for his wedding. He used that money to buy a Canon 5D Mark2 and other equipment and hit the road. But it had been so long since I had shot video that anything I tried to shoot looked terrible.

He signed on as a staff member of Tom’s company Tonoloop Networks. Then the March 11, 2011 Tohoku Earthquake happened. After the disaster, it made more sense to take up residence in Tokushima rather than return to Tokyo. He went independent, setting up Nagaoka Motion Pictures, shooting a range of video works in Shikoku and further afield. He began creating a long-form documentary series, travelling throughout Japan with video creators from around the world to make “Ubusuna” and “Ubusuna – Kai.”

It was around this time he found himself thoroughly absorbed in the act of creating films, and before long, people began calling him “director.”In 2022, he met Shinzo Nishimori, the president of Kochi-based video creation firm Evolution, which led to joining the board of directors. He decided to devote his life to working on the future of documentaries. Tom Vincent also joined in.In February 2023, the trade name Nagaoka Motion Pictures was updated to become LLC Nagakatz Studio, and he became representative director. To begin, a project to turn the former tea factory he uses as an office in Kamiyama into a movie theatre is slated for completion in 2024.

1998 Left before completion: Tokyo Polytechnic University Department of Photography
1999 – 2002 Completed Elementary Course, Advanced Course, and Graduate Course at Film School of Tokyo.
2006 Graduated CG Program at Digital Hollywood, Tokyo.

Documentary Productions
2001/9 Camera operator for Aoyama Shinji’s “So as Not to Say Everything about Her Already Aged Self”
2002/9 Sinario division for Aoyama Shinji’s “AA”
2006/10 Established the “miru project” and collected “Special one minute” video works from 200 friends.
2007/3 Hosted the Zogakusai event at Sweets Forest in Jiyugaoka, Tokyo.
2008/4 Participated in the invitational Rhythm Summit at LE DECO in Shibuya, Tokyo.
2009/11 Produced and screened “Mukashi Banashi/Old Tale ”,at a Sumida ward,Tokyo.
2010/10 Began work on documentary featuring an aged beautician in Kamiyama (completed “All Alone in Kamiyama” in 2017).
2011/5 Filmed and appeared in “Real Japan” of Onagawa and Ishinomaki after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami of March 2011, and Shodoshima.
2011/6 Produced short documentary “The Ogre Island Festival” on Megi Island, Kagawa prefecture.
2012/6 Began work on documentary film “Ubusuna”. Shot until November.
2013/5 Began work on documentary film “Ubusuna – Kai”. Shot until December.
2013/6 Screened “Ubusuna” at Spiral Hall, Tokyo.
2013/8 Invitational screening of “Ubusuna” in Crawford Bay, British Columbia, Canada.
2013/9 Invitational screening of “Ubusuna” at the “Exploring Our World Film Festival 2013” in Dartington, Devon, England.
2013/9 Screened “Uketamau” at “Queenstown Film Society Short Film Night 2013” in New Zealand.
2013/12 Screened “Ubusuna” at Jomanji Temple inauguration event in Kaiyo, Tokushima.
22014/1 Screened “Ubusuna” at Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Toyota City, Aichi
22014/3 Screened “Ubusuna” at Kiyomichi Temple, Mt. Takimi, Toyota City, Aichi
22014/4 Commissioned by Ozu City, Ehime prefecture to make “Ozu Ondo Movie”, a 9-month project.
22014/8 Hosted Ubusuna Project Symposium at Meiji Jingu Shrine, Tokyo. Screened “Ubusuna – Kai”
22014/9 Screened “Ubusuna” at Homi Shrine, Minami Alps City, Yamanashi
22015/1 Commissioned by Toyota City, Aichi prefecture to make a sequel to “Ubusuna - Setsu”
22015/8 Documented the Kamiyama residency of Swedish Butoh artist Frauke in “Frauke”
22016/2 Documented the migration of Nagaoka’s own parents to the village of Sanagochi, Tokushima in a film promoting migration to the village entitled “Aru Iju (a migration)”
22016/3 Documented Swedish Butoh artist Frauke’s Kamiyama residency and subsequent activities in “Frauke 2: Fantasy or Fate”
22017 Completed short documentary “All Alone in Kamiyama” after six years of filming. It won Best Documentary at the Sapporo International Short Film Festival, and the Jury Prize at the First Obuse Short Film Festival, in addition to being screened at various theatres around Japan and overseas.
22017/9 Invited by the Bergman Estate to do a residency in Sweden, and created an experimental film with Frauke entitled “Fortuna”
22019/5 Screened “All Alone in Kamiyama” at Daikanyama venue Mame Romantic along with live music by NOBO and Harumu Nomoto. Also screened “Awauta” in a collab project with Ryokyoku artist Nanafuku Tamagawa.
22021/10 to 2022/3 Hired by the Toshima Mirai Cultural Foundation in Toshima, Tokyo to film a record of Toshima’s traditional arts that had been forced to cancel their events due to the pandemic, resulting in the documentary, “Their Beats Must Not Be Stopped”
22022/10 “Their Beats Must Not Be Stopped” screened for two days at Ikebukuro Cinema Rosa. Event included a talk with Professor Kimiko Shimazoe of Toyama University.

Major Promotional Videos
2014/4 Produced commercial for clothing brand Sa-Rah
2014/4 Produced promotional video for pianist Harumi Nomoto
2014/9 Produced video for tie-up with magazine Shikoku Gaja
2014/9 Provided video footage for Tokushima Prefectural Office promotional video “VS Tokyo.”
2014/10 Produced video for Tokushima prefecture building company “Homare no Ie.”
2014/12 Produced promotional video for illustrator Taiko Matsuo
2015/1 Produced promotional video for Anan, Muroto, Aki region.
2015/2 Produced web commercial for Chugai Pharmaceuticals “As a Mother, as a Wife.”
2015/6 Produced Tokushima Prefectural Office LED VALLEY Video.
2016/3 Produced a film for the Union of the Kansai Governments documenting the Okinamai Dance of Kobe, Hyogo, the Ofunamatsuri Festival of Shingu, Wakayama, and the Sanbaso Dance of Naka, Tokushima.
2016/12 Produced a film entitled “The Birthplace of Soy Sauce” for the town of Yuasa, Wakayama. It was listed on the official National Geographic website under the title “A 750 Year-Old Secret” and reached the TOP 20 on Reddit and was viewed by people all around the world (currently has 2.32 million views).
2016/3 Produced a promotional video series “Tsuzuku Mura Sanagochi” for Sanagochi Village, Tokushima. Also handled corporate identity and concept.
2017/6 Hired by House of Radon to create a promotional video for the world’s oldest home appliance company, Electrolux’s global branding video “Shape Living for the Better” for the Japanese market.
2018 Spent a year shooting footage in Seiyo, Ehime for a promotional video.
2018-2019 Hired by POJ studio to create a series of works documenting traditional craftspeople in Kyoto and Shiga. (Asahi ware in Uji, Kyoto | Tarai wooden tubs in Shiga |Kyoto Kaikado |Kanaami-Tsuji)
2019/1 Produced short film “An Ode to Zazen, Calligraphy, and Tea” as a sketch-like document of the Kyoto residency of Indonesian calligrapher Veronica Halim.
2021 Produced “One Kao” an in-house/external corporate video for both for Kao Corporation.

2017/10 Began a video column for Yahoo Japan
2018/2 Began work on first fiction film.
2019/3 Completed long-form fiction film “Awauta” and screened it at the Fourth Tokushima International Film Festival
2021-2022 Became an advisor on creating three-minute documentaries for the Yahoo Japan Creator’s Program and advised six creators over a year and a half.

2012/3 Won Diploma of the Jury Prize at METERS Film Festival in Tver, Russia for “The Ogre Island Festival”.
2017/10 Won Best Documentary Prize at Sapporo International Short Film Festival in Japan for “All Alone in Kamiyama”.
2018/3 Won General Jury Prize at Obuse Short Film Festival in Japan for “All Alone in Kamiyama”.
2021/2 Won Micro Docs Special Prize at Yahoo Documentary Filmmaker of the Year Awards
2021/3 Won Video Award at 4K/VR Tokushima Film Festival 2021 for “Awauta”
2021 “Awauta” was produced with support from Tokushima entrepreneurs and went on to be selected for several film festivals including the 2020 London Independent Film Festival where it won Best Foreign Feature, and the 2021 Fantasporto Film Festival in Portugal where it won the Jury Special Prize and the Director Prize.


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